Sunday 13 July 2014

Raison d'être and The War with Gaza

Before Israel was established in 1948, Israel was what we would now describe in this day and age as 'occupied' by The Brits. During this 'occupation', of 28 years or so, there was one goal: To build a viable democratic, liberal and Jewish state. Communities, infrastructure, schools, universities, places of leisure were built and sustained to reach this goal, all whilst being 'occupied' by the Brits. There were indeed organisations like The Stern Gang/Irgun that justified and carried out the murder of innocent civilians in the name of the Jewish people but largely they were shunned and condemned by the majority. Ben Gurion et al, always felt that a viable state of Israel must eventually make peace with 'the other'.
It would be disingenuous to draw exact and direct comparisons of the above with Hamas and a large section of The Palestinian population today. However, there are certainly similarities. It's ludicrous to suggest that Hamas and The Palestinians are not in control of their own agency. Do they live in appalling unimaginable conditions - yes. Is movement and freedom of living restricted - yes. Are they goverened by 'the other' - yes. Were there similarities with the Jews in pre-48? Also yes.
The fundamental difference is raison d'être. The Jewish people then (and mostly now) wanted to build a life that flourished and thrived for its citizens, in so much that it's written in The Declaration of Independence that Israel:
"will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants".
Hamas and many Palestinians have chosen a raison d'être that breeds hatred and destruction. Their constitution reflects it. They are their own agents and we do not choose their raison d'être. There will never be peace until this changes, everything else is noise and smokescreens.
Your raison d'être is what governs your behaviour - it can be changed as we are after all agents of our decisions.